Friday, August 5, 2011

The summer is coming to an end!

This summer flew by! Pretty soon the weather will be cooler. The nights will be longer and the smell of pumpkin spice will fill the air! I can almost taste the pumpkin spice lattes!

With change of season also comes Fall colors! Lots of browns, reds, oranges and golds! Warm sweaters and cute boots! I can't wait!

Also with fall comes my favorite holiday, Halloween! I have so many ideas running through my head about costume ideas. My favorite so far is an updated spin on the Bride of Frankenstein. My hair is black so I'd leave it down, curl it and add some white extensions. My outfit would be almost like a punk version of her. Like a rockabilly version of her. My second idea is a zombie prom queen. Blood, rips and tears, the whole nine, but keep it somewhat pretty. My third is a pinup girl, or a pinup zombie. I'm really leaning towards the first one though. I'd even add a fake tattoo on my arm of frankenstein and put "Frankie" under it. haha.

I've also been shopping around for some blushes in fall colors. I have so many fall eye shadows and lipsticks (though I'm sure I'll be getting more!) but I needed some fall blushes. I love plums and dark rose colors on my cheeks in the fall. It really warms up my face so I don't look like I'm Snow White. hehe. I ordered two from NYX and I can't wait to see how they look! I'll do a review on them and their eye primer when they come in.

That's all for now!